Predict the future by creating it

”Na vida o maior naufrágio é não partir” (Amyr Klink)

1ª Fase & ENAM

Educação jurídica solidária para fomento e desenvolvimento do Poder Judiciário do Brasil, alinhado às perspectivas métricas do CNJ (Conselho Nacional de Justiça) e Agenda 2030.



Acesso gratuito garantido

Educação inclusiva

Preparação Gratuita

Apoio completo para sua jornada na magistratura, com materiais acessíveis e gratuitos.

Legislação Anotada

Explore uma variedade de temas, incluindo jurisprudência, doutrina e questões relevantes para a magistratura.

A flyer titled 'College 101' outlines an event about college planning, featuring icons for exploration, application, funding, and going to college. It includes details of a free online event occurring from September 20-23, 2021, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM ET, and lists several partner organizations at the bottom.
A flyer titled 'College 101' outlines an event about college planning, featuring icons for exploration, application, funding, and going to college. It includes details of a free online event occurring from September 20-23, 2021, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM ET, and lists several partner organizations at the bottom.

Jurisprudências & Teses

Videoaulas gravadas por especialistas, possibilitando aprendizado flexível e aprofundado sobre temas essenciais.


Colorful letters spelling the word 'Educated' are arranged on a bright yellow background. Each letter features a different pattern, such as stripes, polka dots, flowers, and stars.
Colorful letters spelling the word 'Educated' are arranged on a bright yellow background. Each letter features a different pattern, such as stripes, polka dots, flowers, and stars.
Wooden tiles spelling the word 'lawyer' are arranged on a wooden tile rack. The image is in black and white, set against a dark background.
Wooden tiles spelling the word 'lawyer' are arranged on a wooden tile rack. The image is in black and white, set against a dark background.
gray computer monitor


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